Ted and Nancie Lowe

Ted Lowe is the founder and director of MarriedPeople.org which is dedicated to strengthening marriages by offering encouragement and practical help through podcasts, blog articles and other resources. He and his wife, Nancie, have been working with couples in different capacities since 1998. They served on youth and drama staffs at Saddleback Community Church in Lake Forest, Calif., and later traveled across the nation playing various roles at youth and marriage events. Ted then served on staff at North Point Church as the Director of MarriedLife from 2002-2010, where Nancie helped program and host events.Ted recently released a new book for married couples titled Your Best Us. He and Nancie have three teen children and reside in Atlanta.

Broadcasts with Ted and Nancie Lowe

Air Date Title
Oct 22, 2018 Experiencing the Best Marriage for You and Your Spouse
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