Capt. Ronald Johnson

Captain Ronald Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol (retired) is the founder, owner and COO of Lodestone Solutions Group, a leadership training and consulting company. During his tenure as a Highway Patrol Captain, he gained national prominence when he was charged with the enormous task of restoring peace between a hostile African American community and the local police following the Aug. 14, 2014 fatal shooting of Michael Brown which sparked race riots throughout the city. Capt. Johnson was praised for his effective leadership, empathy, compassion, and selflessness. He has authored a book about these experiences titled 13 Days in Ferguson. He and his wife, Lori, have two grown children.

Broadcasts with Capt. Ronald Johnson

Air Date Title
Aug 8, 2019 Finding Grace in the Midst of Racial Division (Part 1 of 2)
Aug 9, 2019 Finding Grace in the Midst of Racial Division (Part 2 of 2)
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