Tim McConnell

Tim McConnell is the lead pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs, Colo., a church founded in 1872 currently reaching over 3,000 members. Serving in ordained ministry since 1999, he has led other churches and ministries in New Jersey, Virginia, and Georgia. He served as a U.S. Army Reserve chaplain, taught theology at the undergraduate and graduate level, and led students in Christian fellowships at the Darden Business School and the Virginia School of Law before moving into pastoral leadership. Tim is the author of Happy Church and Illumination in Basil of Caesarea's Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. He and his wife, Abigail, have four children. Learn more about Tim at his website, timothymcconnell.com.

Broadcasts with Tim McConnell

Air Date Title
Mar 14, 2019 Pursuing Radical Joy in Christ
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