Linda Ranson Jacobs

Linda Ranson Jacobs is recognized as a forefront leader in the areas of children and divorce, and single-parent family needs. Having been both divorced and widowed, she was a single mom who learned first-hand the emotional and support needs of broken families, and she developed a strong passion to help meet those needs. As a children’s ministry director, public speaker, trainer, author, and therapeutic child care center owner, Linda has ministered to countless divorcing couples and single parent families and their children. She is the founder of the DivorceCare for Kids program and a regular contributor to many blogs and periodicals. She has written two books: Attract Families to Your Church and Keep Them Coming Back and The Single Parent: Confident and Successful. Linda has re-married, and she and her husband, Bruce, have 10 grandchildren.

Broadcasts with Linda Ranson Jacobs

Air Date Title
Mar 30, 2021 Finding Hope and Joy While Single Parenting
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