Ken Costa

Ken Costa is  Dean of the Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) Leadership College London, which trains young people to be distinctive Christian leaders in their workplace. He is the chairman of Alpha International, an evangelistic course borne out of HTB which has taught the basics of Christianity to millions of people around the world, and the chairman of Worship Central, a movement promoting worship events and courses across the globe. Ken spent more than four decades of his career in investment banking and as an adviser to global corporations on their mergers and acquisitions and on their international strategies, and still maintains his own consulting firm. Given his professional experience, he has frequently been asked to speak on financial, ethical and Christian issues at conferences and churches. Ken is author of the books Know Your Why and God at Work. He and his wife, Fiona, have four grown children.

Broadcasts with Ken Costa

Air Date Title
Sep 6, 2021 Finding God's Purpose for Your Life
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