Harold and Rachel Earls

Capt. Harold Earls is an active duty U.S. Army officer who most recently served as the Commander of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He is a graduate of West Point and is U.S.

Army Airborne Ranger qualified. Harold’s wife, Rachel, is a vlogger who hosts the Earls Family Vlogs, which has nearly a half million YouTube subscribers who tune in for the couple’s discussions on faith, family life, and love. Rachel is also a business owner and the founder of the Earls Family Foundation, a non-profit that helps those in need who contact the Earls via their YouTube channel. Harold and Rachel have co-authored a book titled A Higher Calling: Pursuing Love, Faith, & Mount Everest for a Greater Purpose. The couple has two young children and a third on the way.

Broadcasts with Harold and Rachel Earls

Air Date Title
Feb 3, 2021 Mount Everest and Marriage: Braving New Heights Together
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