Dave Roever

U.S. Navy Veteran Dave Roever suffered a devastating injury during the Vietnam War when a phosphorous grenade exploded in his hand, burning him beyond recognition and leaving him hospitalized for 14 months, during which he underwent numerous major surgeries. Today, he is a powerful and inspirational public speaker who travels the globe sharing his gripping testimony with engaging humor, imparting hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Dave’s ministry extends to churches, public schools, youth, men’s and business conventions, and the U.S. military worldwide, including war zones like Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Since 2007, at his organization’s two Eagles Summit Ranch facilities in Colorado and south Texas, Dave and his team help to restore hope, provide keys for success, and train today’s wounded warriors to have meaningful futures through Operation Warrior RECONnect. Learn more about Dave and his ministry at DaveRoever.org.

Broadcasts with Dave Roever

Air Date Title
Nov 11, 2019 Healing the Wounds of War
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