Brenda Solomon

Brenda Solomon and her husband, Lon, are the founders of Jill's House, a respite care ministry and resort center for families with special needs children. Brenda and Lon have a special needs child of their own – a daughter named Jill who was born in 1992 and began suffering with Grand Mal seizures before she was one year old. Intimately familiar with the struggles that families with special needs children face, the Solomons are now dedicated to giving help and hope to those families. Brenda and Lon have been married since 1974 and have four grown children and eight grandchildren.

Broadcasts with Brenda Solomon

Air Date Title
Jan 21, 2016 Special Needs Children: How the Church Can Help (Part 1 of 2)
Jan 22, 2016 Special Needs Children: How the Church Can Help (Part 2 of 2)
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