Brandon and Brittany Buell

Brandon and Brittany Buell have a son named Jaxon who was born with part of his skull and most of his brain missing as a result of a rare condition called Microhydranencephaly. The Buells were advised to terminate their pregnancy, and warned that if their baby survived outside the womb, he would be deaf, blind and unable to sit up, crawl or communicate. Brandon and Brittany defied the advice they received and chose life for their son. The Buells' experiences have strengthened their faith in God and affirmed their belief in the inherent value of every human life. Their story has been featured in numerous media outlets and documented in their book, Don't Blink. Brandon and Brittany are the founders of the Jaxon Strong Facebook community and the Jaxon Strong Foundation, which advocates for disabled people and raises funds for neurological research.

Broadcasts with Brandon and Brittany Buell

Air Date Title
Jan 25, 2017 Trusting God Through an Adverse Diagnosis in Pregnancy
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