Dec 30, 2024

Best of 2024: Evidence for the Existence of God (Part 1 of 2)

Explaining your beliefs can sometimes be a challenge, especially when opponents say God and science don’t mix. On this two-day Focus on the Family broadcast, Lee Strobel demonstrates how many scholars and academics now say science actually points to the existence of a divine Creator. He explores the question of why suffering occurs, even though we have a caring, personal heavenly Father. He will provide you with solid evidence of God’s existence and help you better understand why you can trust and believe in the Creator of the universe.


Explaining your beliefs can sometimes be a challenge, especially when opponents say God and science don’t mix. On this two-day Focus on the Family broadcast, Lee Strobel demonstrates how many scholars and academics now say science actually points to the existence of a divine Creator. He explores the question of why suffering occurs, even though we have a caring, personal heavenly Father. He will provide you with solid evidence of God’s existence and help you better understand why you can trust and believe in the Creator of the universe.


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