Daily Broadcast

Aug 27, 2024

Taking Steps to Live out Your Dreams

Kathi Lipp suggests that women need to spend time journaling all the things they’ve ever wanted to try and then seek God’s will as to which goals are worthy of pursuing and which can be eliminated. A woman may have only 5, 50, or as many as 500 ideas, but as the Lord shows her what’s in her best interest to pursue, she can move forward with great joy and confidence.


Kathi Lipp suggests that women need to spend time journaling all the things they’ve ever wanted to try and then seek God’s will as to which goals are worthy of pursuing and which can be eliminated. A woman may have only 5, 50, or as many as 500 ideas, but as the Lord shows her what’s in her best interest to pursue, she can move forward with great joy and confidence.


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